Tackled (Alpha Ballers #1)

Lily and I looked at each other and we fast-walked our way over there, wanting to see what was going on.

By the time we got close I could tell the other guys were cheering, but it didn’t become clear about what until I pushed my way in.

Oh shit. Mike Sampson was here.

Mike Sampson was another wide receiver for the Patriots. He was a big deal, a middle of the road talent that had made some amazing catches, and who everyone in New England had high hopes for.

Mike Sampson had signed a 4 year contract with the team just a couple years ago, meaning he had 2 years left on his deal, and presumably knew just how much money he was going to be paid.

Mike had decided a few months ago that he was not happy with this amount, and had signaled his attempt to hold out from the team and not show up to training camp, trying to force the team to renegotiate a deal they had still had 2 years left on.

Evidently, that holding out process had come to an end, and Mike Sampson was now coming to training camp, ready to rejoin his teammates and help bring a championship to New England.

Shit. Now there was one fewer roster spot for wide receivers.

I pushed my way out of the huddle, back to where Lily stood. She was still mad at me, I could tell, even though she didn’t show it nearly as much as a couple minutes earlier.

I stood there, staring at the huddle, wondering what this meant for me, until I realized Lily was poking me in the ribs again. “Hey, Drake,” she said in a low voice.


“Your job just got a whole lot harder.”

She was right. Fuck.

Shit had just gotten real.


Drake didn’t even try to sneak into my room that entire weekend, and even if he had told me he wanted to, I would have told him to get bent.

Sure I wanted to kiss him, sure I wanted to undress him, sure I wanted to feel his perfect body above mine in bed while he fucked me, but right now there were two things getting in the way of me enjoying having sex with Drake Rollins right now:

A) Drake Rollins had some work to do in order to make sure he still had a job in 3 weeks, which would determine if I had a job too. So as much as I wanted his cock, I first needed a way to compress and stuff an iPad’s worth of football plays into his head.

B) Drake Rollins was being a douche bag and taking out all his frustrations on me, and I wasn’t having any of it. He was on sex probation till he got his head on straight.

A made sense to me, I could wrap my head around that, but B was not nearly as easy. After just one night of having Drake Rollins in my bed, when I got back to my room after the day’s work, kissing him and feeling his hands on me, his cock inside me, was all I could think about.

I imagined and hoped that Drake spent the weekend studying, but it was a crappy weekend sex-wise for me too. I didn’t know anyone around here, and I didn’t have anything to do, so I went home and spent some time with my family.

My dad asked me all the questions I knew he’d been thinking up all week and I answered them as best I could. It was wonderful to see him again, and I almost didn’t want to come back to the Patriots facility in Foxboro when the weekend was over.

After practice on Monday, I headed over to the sidelines for my interview with Drake. He still had his pads on, and even with them on, he looked so good with the sweat running off him like that.

I couldn’t help but flash back to the two of us in bed, and long for those moments again. “Hey Lily,” Drake said, stopping in front of me just as I got my notebook out.

“Hey Drake. Rough practice again today?”

“Yeah.” Drake had gotten his number called a few times, and this time he knew the routes.

“You knew the routes this time, looked pretty good on that front.”

He brightened. “Yeah, that part was all taken care of. A full weekend of studying, no partying here.” He puffed out his chest like he was proud of himself. Secretly I was too.

“Then what happened?”

He looked down. “I’m still getting the hang of things. I was just a little slow on a couple of them, but I’m just a bit rusty. I’ll even out.”

“Not too much time left for that, is there?”

He smiled that championship smile of his, then snapped to attention. “Yes, ma’am! I’ll be alright. I’ll show them a thing or two.”

I sighed, putting my notebook down. We were done for the day. I had enough quotes to write my daily column about the exploits of Drake Rollins.

He just didn’t get it. Somehow the weekend of studying had made him feel invincible again, like all he needed was a chance to show off before he could wow the entire team and the entire league.

That might even be true! Unfortunately, at the pace Drake was going, he’d find himself out on the street looking for a new job about two weeks before he got that chance. The timing would just not work.

Lucy Snow's books